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Giving circles

Give together
When you establish a giving circle with Thrivent Charitable, you’re part of a network of giving circles acting on their faith, values, and priorities to make a difference in our world.

What is a Giving Circle?

A giving circle is a group of friends, family or colleagues who pool their charitable gifts together to achieve a greater impact. Your giving circle is in the form of a donor-advised fund, which offers the benefits of administrative support with low fees, flexibility to give to any IRS-qualified charity and potential tax-deductible contributions for giving circle participants.

We are honored to be your giving partner and will serve as a trusted steward for your giving circle assets.

Create a giving circle

Learn more about Giving Circles

Giving Circles - Overview: Learn about Giving Circles and how to get started.
Giving Circles - Resources: Once your Giving Circle is formed, read how to make the most of your collective giving.

Donors must itemize deductions to receive a charitable income tax deduction. Charitable giving can result in tax, legal and financial consequences. Thrivent Charitable Impact & Investing® does not provide legal, accounting or tax advice. Consult your attorney or tax professional.