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Six ways to introduce clients to charitable planning

Thursday, July 22, 2021 - 09:27

Financial consultant Katie Garber is quick to confirm it’s not ‘if’ she talks about charitable planning with clients, but ‘when.’ “As part of the holistic plans we offer, charitable planning is brought up with all our clients,” she says. “I talk about who we are, and clients like to hear we aren’t just managing their money."

Six ways to introduce clients to charitable planning

If you are wondering how to introduce charitable planning to clients, Katie suggests six ways that have worked for her.

1. ‘Walk the talk’ with a donor-advised fund
It starts with her colleagues at the Compass Group. They have established a donor-advised fund with Thrivent Charitable from which they designate grants to local charities.

“It’s important for us to walk the talk with clients and show them that we apply our values helping others,” the 14-year Thrivent veteran says.

2. Tax season conversations twice a year
It’s natural for Katie to include charitable conversations in the tax planning process. She brings up the topic in fourth quarter meetings when clients are looking for year-end solutions or immediately after they have filed their taxes.

“I like to be proactive versus reactive about helping clients be tax efficient,” Katie says. She will review clients’ tax returns in the spring and show them how thinking ahead about the charitable giving they intend to do anyway helps avoid missed opportunities.

3. WomenInvest portfolio inspires
Many of the Compass Group’s clients are women who are seeking more ways to be charitable. Katie notes they’re intrigued to discover Thrivent Charitable’s WomenInvest portfolio. “It’s a hot topic with women I work with that they can use their charitable gifts helping women,” she says.

4. Financial pyramid raises legacy questions
Katie notes that the top of the financial pyramid is about legacy and asks clients, “How would you like to be remembered?”

She says, “They don’t know all the opportunities available to them, but I can help them shape strategies and solutions.” She especially likes explaining to eligible clients how they might use required minimum distributions for life insurance to enhance wealth transfer.

5. Creative ideas for maximum impact
With client meetings online during COVID-19, Katie could readily introduce clients to gift planners at Thrivent Charitable to learn more. “It has been a great opportunity to implement charitable strategies,” she says.

A young couple who planned to donate $30,000 to $60,000 in cash to charities was excited to discover they had better options. “When you tell clients there are creative ideas for being more tax-efficient, it really piques their interest,” she says.

6. Call in the experts
Katie suggests her colleagues include Thrivent Charitable gift planners in client meetings. “People like when you bring in experts,” she says. “The gift planners at Thrivent Charitable are part of your team and can work with your clients in ways that lead to advanced cases.”

Contact our team of gift planners to discuss unique solutions for your clients. Email us or call 800-365-4172 to get started.